The Applied Improvisation Network (AIN) is a global community of over 5000 members online and numerous local groups.




To promote the practice of applied improvisation

To support members and practitioners of applied improvisation

To develop methods of best practice

To connect our members to each other to foster collaborative working opportunities

To partner with organizations to promote and teach applied improvisation to their members




Improvisational practice has the power to improve the quality of human lives, communities, and organizational relationships

Play and spontaneity promote personal and professional growth and support innovation

Real collaboration is a valuable skill that helps organizational and group performance

Improvisation teaches generosity, cooperation, trust, and experimentation.  This reduces anxiety, and releases creativity

These benefits are open to all people at any age, any walk of life, and especially to those who have never done it before! 

About Applied Improvisation

Applied improvisation uses the principles, tools, practices, skills and mind-sets developed in comedy, jazz and theatre and utilises them for non-theatrical or performance purposes.

Practitioners of applied improvisation facilitate workshops, for individuals or organisations, introducing them to these principles, tools etc. via solo, paired or group exercises, activities and games.

Participants of applied improvisation workshops are able to integrate these principles; tools etc. into their daily lives. Personal development, team building, creativity, innovation and wellbeing are some of their areas that benefit from learning applied improvisation methods.



Benefits of Applied Improvisation

- Collaboration, Confidence and Creation

Applied improvisation exemplifies that creativity happens collaboratively by using the principle of short turn taking between individuals in the group. In an atmosphere of positive purpose, everyone is encouraged to contribute. Fear, suspicion and anxiety are replaced with focus, creativity and sense of collaboration. This approach allows individuals, groups and organisations to release their creative potential and overtime increase their confidence.


Many exercises, activities and games use in applied improvisation are designed to encourage risk taking, playfulness and to be in the moment. Consequently participants will find that they are having fun whilst also developing or challenging their existing mind-set.The


History of the AIN FOUNDERS

The AIN was founded in 2002 by Paul Z Jackson, Michael Rosenburg and Alain Rostain. Alain led us in putting together a mailing list, a newsletter and then gathering a group of 30 or so pioneering improvisers for a first conference in San Diego.

Since then the number of local groups and online communities has grown year by year, with a series of conferences, regional events and roadshows in North America, Europe, Japan and Australia.

Documents of our incorporation are available to download here.




The AIN operates entirely by the efforts of its members. We apply improvisational principles to our own activities. Everything about the AIN has started spontaneously and emerged organically, with an elected Board of Directors taking policy decisions.




We expect ethical and constructive behaviour from our members both in person and on-line. Anything falling short may lead to ending your membership. The processes for such actions are determined by the Board or its officers acting on behalf of the Board.



The AIN Board exists to support the development of a strong network of practitioners of Applied Improvisation across a breadth of disciplines.

The Board meets regularly to discuss all matters AIN and to coordinate the volunteer working projects.

Board members serve 2-year terms, and are nominated annually, by a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be AIN members. In the event that there are more nominees than open board spaces, elections are held across the AIN members present at the annual conference.

We have a maximum of 16 board members, with half the posts becoming vacant each year.






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